Do you remember Mom and Dad’s sweet heart felt tale of how they met and fell in love at a high school dance? Or maybe even the romance of Grandma and Grandpa first locking eyes at the diner and how they have been going “steady" ever since? In years past it was the norm to meet someone in a social setting, fall in love and live happily ever after… right? Well, somewhere along the road, the path to meeting that special someone has taken a sharp turn. Since people’s agendas have been too full to go out every weekend and attempt to meet their perfect match, the dating scene has evolved over time.
In recent years, we’ve been presented with a few different and innovative ways of meeting that special someone. We have been offered on-line dating where you can meet guys and girls that match your specified requirements of interest, personality and looks. Then we were given speed dating a night of cocktails and rotating mini blind dates – a quick, efficient way to optimize you search for love. And of course there are the singles clubs that bring together singles to participate in social activities and networking events to find Mister or Misses Right. And just when we thought meeting someone couldn’t get anymore convenient, the single’s world has been offered the most “at your fingers" dating service – Mobile Dating.
Picture this: You are running errands on Saturday, picking up groceries for the week with plans to go home and do nothing but veg out on your couch with Whiskers (your cat) and a half gallon of Rocky Road ice cream when “beep beep," you receive a text message. It’s a personal message from a guy or girl in your area that has matched your profile and wants to know if you want to meet for drinks downtown. Wow, is that not amazing! An invitation to meet someone sent right to your phone…wherever you are! This service had been introduced by, host to the largest global, mobile community and has been appropriately named “Blind Date."
It’s as simple as registering at and inputting where you live, who you are interested in meeting, and which parameters you want to search for your “blind date." will do the rest! Based on your preference, you can select how many blind date matches you want to receive to your phone each day, and when you receive one you like, you’re a simple text message away. Talk about taking all the dirty work out of finding a Friday night date!
Through Blind Date, has brought dating and meeting people to a whole new level. The ability to access thousands of possible love interests instantly at the touch of a button is match making at its finest, and definitely at its most simplistic. And the greatest part is your mobile phone is mobile just like you. You no longer have to be tied down to your computer to set up a friendly rendezvous.
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